Angus Sinclair


A data analytics portfolio

View the Project on GitHub arms3/portfolio


GitHub: arms3


About Me

I enjoy data, cycling, and whisky. The following are some personal projects that loosely follow those themes.

Whisky Investor

Python Machine Learning Dashboard Web scraping AWS

Dashboard to support investing in Scotch Whisky on Shows the top current investment opportunities, and a detailed pricing analysis.

Technology and features

Conference Scheduling: A Mixed Integer Programming solution

Python Mixed Integer Programming Scheduling

Recently Slalom Seattle was planning it’s annual Innovation Symposium, and I was on the planning committee.

The planning team wanted to assign each individual to a schedule. Attendees had been asked to rank their preference for attending each topic. The problem was a large number of schedules would have to manually be created; over 600 attendees, needed to be assigned to 7 different topics across 3 sessions. The original plan was to whiteboard it and manually create schedules and assign people to schedules, an excruciating process that may have to be rerun as new responses or constraints came in. It also seemed difficult to ensure the best solution: how do you even pick the best subset of possible schedules?

There were also some constraints about the capacity of available rooms, more popular sessions could be put in a larger room, and we wanted to avoid having rooms half empty in one session and then bursting at the seams in a later session.

Bike Counter Dashboard

PowerBI Dashboard

Daily bike counter data displayed on a web dashboard deployed using PowerBI, using public OData feed updated monthly.

Technology and features

Stock Price Modelling Using LinkedIn Dataset

Python Machine Learning Deep Learning

Series of Python Jupyter notebooks exploring the relationship between stock prices and LinkedIn employee count data, with the goal of either predicting changes in stock price using employee data or finding an indicator of future hiring patterns or layoffs based on the stock price.

The notebooks attempt to predict future pricing using linear modelling techniques scikit-learn, and non-linear models using PyTorch, however no evidence of improvement over a naïve model (using the previous day value to predict the stock price) was found. The evidence from lagged cross correlation was also inconclusive, and due to the large number of stocks used many of the correlations found may have been spurious.


  1. Data load and EDA Loading and viewing datasets, exploring time lagged cross correlation between stock price and number of employees listed on LinkedIn
  2. Linear modelling Comparison of linear model prediction accuracy with and without LinkedIn dataset
  3. Neural Network modelling Experiments using a convolutional neural network model based on Google’s WaveNet architecture to predict stock price

Stock Price Explorer

Python Dashboard

Web App project to display stock ticker information via Dash by

Technology and features